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The Faithful Giver
And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
--Mark 12:41-44
To give by mail please mail a check to:
First Baptist Church
201 West King St
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Anchor 1
What kind of “Baptist” church is First Baptist Church of Hillsborough?There are many labels out there for churches and Baptist churches: conservative, liberal, moderate, progressive, independent, fundamentalist, and so on. At FBCH, we have worked hard to push these labels aside for better ones: biblical, missional, evangelical, orthodox, and ecumenical. We believe these words better reflect the nature of the church and the purposes of the church. We have folks who call themselves conservatives; we have folks who call themselves progressives. But, in the end, we call ourselves Christians. So, we are a Baptist church that champions historic Christian and Baptist convictions (see the Core Beliefs page) and enjoys a good mix of all kinds of people gathered together under the single banner of Jesus Christ.
Where do I park?In between West King St. and West Margaret St., we have a parking lot. You can part anywhere in the parking lot of the church, or if needed, in the small parking area at the Annex (the two-story red brick house beyond the parking lot). You can also park on West King St. or Wake St.
What about handicap / wheelchair accessibility?For parking, there are handicap reserved spots at the top of the parking lot close to the building. If you need to drop a person off, you can pull directly up to the rear entrance at the parking lot and drop a person off there. It is only a few short steps from there to the entrance and to the elevator. For wheelchairs, you can access all rooms on the first floor at the level of the back entrance. You can use the elevator to access all rooms on the second floor. We have a lift to assist wheelchairs from the second floor level into the sanctuary. Once in the sanctuary, there is room at the front for wheelchair seating. FBCH has worked hard to be fully accessible for all who come!
What do people wear to worship?You will see all kinds of dress on a Sunday morning. From casual jeans and t-shirts to more dressed up dresses and coats and ties, there is a little bit of everything! In general, we have stressed the idea “Come as You Are.” You will also find that our pastor has a range of styles, from suits to jeans.
Who can I call with other questions?You can call the church office at 919.732.8174 to discuss other questions. You can reach out to our Pastor for further discussions about the church as well. Please see the About page for more contact information.
Where do my children go?During the 9:45 am hour, we have classes located in the church building for infants-elementary school, and middle and high school age children. Please ask a greeter for the locations of these classes as they are outside when the weather is nice. During worship at 11:00 am, all children remain in the sanctuary during worship, regardless of age. We have age appropriate worship kits for children located at the front of the sanctuary. We believe that God put the wiggle in children and love to hear their voices during our worship time. If you have any questions a greeter can help you.
What is the worship service like?In terms of music, we have a good mix of contemporary worship songs and classic hymns. We have a tradition of excellent choral music. In any given worship gathering, you might hear organ, piano, guitar, bass guitar, handbells, or some other instrument. We work hard to create opportunity for gifts to be utilized in the worship of God. The teaching time in worship is typically 20-30 minutes. We focus on Biblically-based sermons that help you grow in understanding of the Bible and how to live the Christian life in this world. Typically, worship also includes other Scripture readings, times of prayer, testimonies, mission /ministry updates, and special emphases throughout the year.
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